Friday, August 30, 2013

Proper Intervention for a Loved One Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol

Proper Drug and Alcohol InterventionMost of the time it is the people that are closest to us that can see that something is wrong long before we or others ever can. It is the people that know us, our behaviors, and our lifestyle that can spot immediately when something is just not adding up. If your loved one is battling with drug addiction or alcoholism and are in denial you may be their only chance at being introduced to recovery. You may try talking to them, taking them to AA/NA meetings, or introducing them to some sober people. If they are still unable to see how their use of drugs or alcohol is affecting their lives in a negative manner and that it has become a problem then it might be time for an intervention. This process includes having someone come in that can mediate the situation, setting firm boundaries, discussing the problem, offering support if they are willing to accept it, different treatment options, and seeing if they are willing to seek help or not. If they are aware that other people are being affected by the situation and how their drinking or using has ruined them then they might be more willing to discuss the possibility of getting sober. Nobody likes being told they have a problem with drug or alcohol addiction but the underlying theme of an intervention is that they are loved and there is help out there if they are willing to turn their life around and get sober.

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