Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Recovering From a Relapse and Doing Things Differently This Time

Unfortunately as alcoholics and addicts, relapse is a part of many of our stories. While it is not always the case many of us have a hard time getting sober the first time around and can get caught up once again in our drug addiction. Relapse does not have to be a part of your story; but if it is it doesn’t mean that you are incapable of recovering.

Your Feelings are Normal

Learning from and moving on from relapseIt is normal to feel beaten down, scared, and even more defeated after relapsing then you might have
prior to originally getting sober. Many of us feel like we have failed and have let ourselves and others down. Our ego usually takes a beating when we relapse. All we can do is be grateful for what we learned from the relapse and try to do things differently this time around.

Learn from Your Relapse

If we are able to look back at our experience and see where we fell short we can do things differently this time around. Perhaps we need to go through alcohol inpatient treatment, attend 12 step meetings, go to therapy, or seek extra alcohol addiction help. Whatever the case may be we all have the chance to recover if we keep trying, and don’t drink or use no matter what. If we are willing to put our sobriety first then we can begin to build a strong foundation for ourselves and our recovery.

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