What will the weather look like in 5 years? What about the exact moment you will find your dream job? What happens if you end up not getting that job and all of a sudden you find yourself in a financial mishap? Future tripping is a tendency that the alcoholic has mastered. One thought turns into a whole script for our future that we have written in our heads that causes us to panic and live in fear. Combine that with high anxiety and a fear of failure and you have a recipe for disaster. The future is not something we can predict as much as we think we can. Through going to a 12 step recovery program we are given tools to help us stay present. Prayer and meditation are two big tools we learn through the 12 steps of recovery that can help keep us grounded. Sometimes just standing still, and asking yourself “am I present or am I living in the future?” can help us stay present in the moment.
Redirecting Focus
If you find that you are living in the future it can
beneficial to redirect your focus to the present moment. If you are consciously
reminding yourself what you are doing in the moment, you’re not worrying about
the future. Another way to stay present is doing relaxing and meditating
exercises like yoga. Movement and focusing on your breathing is not only a good
way to exercise, but it’s also a way to get some serenity and stay grounded.
The future hasn’t happened yet, and we can only control our present actions.
Live in the moment, because in the future when we look back on our lives all we
will have are the memories we are creating today.
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