Monday, January 27, 2014

Dealing With Depression And Laziness In Recovery

Sometimes in recovery when we put down the drink things start coming up for us that didn’t before. We get a new set of feelings that most of us have never dealt with. Over time we might become complacent and lazy with our 12-step work. What happens then is that we can become unmotivated and if we are not careful, we can slip into a depression or even go back to engaging in our chemical dependency.

Addiction Recovery - Never Confuse Failure With DefeatChallenges In Recovery

This is not uncommon considering the one thing that would act as a lubricant has been taken away from us and all we are left with is ourselves and our thoughts. If we leave things until they get bad then life can begin to seem pretty unbearable. It can seem impossible to do even the littlest tasks. We may find that it even affects our relationships negatively. Most of us become short and irritable.

When We Grow In Recovery

It isn’t usually until we get in enough pain that we begin to change and grow. When the pain we are in is greater than our fear of changing and our laziness then we will do so. When this time comes then there are tools available to us when we are ready.  We do not need to suffer in silence. There are many people that have gone through this and come out the other side.

Stay committed to your 12 step recovery programs, this will help with mental health treatment. If we are willing to share what we are going through with another alcoholic/ addict then we can get the solution on how to handle it. It is through our experience, strength, and hope that we are able to pull ourselves and others out of the darkest places. The fact is that there is going to be highs and lows in life and while pain is inevitable sometimes suffering is optional.

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