Friday, May 31, 2013

Balancing a Family in Sobriety

Wife, husband, kids, work, house and find time for a meeting? What are we super heroes? The answer is in our own way we are. We are some of the few people who are willing and able to accept that our lives are unmanageable and without addiction recovery and the help of programs such as Above It All, AA, or other 12 step programs we have a very little chance at recovering. Thankfully we now have this amazing program to give us tools to cope with the overwhelming stress that taking care of a family can bring. These tools consist of calling our sponsor whenever we find a free moment while cooking dinner or hands free calling while dropping the kids off at school, praying or meditating while taking a shower or before we even get out of bed in the morning, fellowshipping with other sober people who also have families that may have kids the same age or live in the area, and thankful there are meeting around the clock that you can attend. There will always be some excuse as to why we can’t work a strong program, but it’s important to ask yourself to what links you were once willing to go to get that next drink and be reminded that our family obligations never stopped us from harming ourselves so we should have no excuse now. If we don’t work a strong program we will not be able to fulfill our obligations to our family because this cunning baffling disease will be our demise.

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