Sunday, June 2, 2013

Being Honest

Being Honest Will Enlighten YouBeing honest is a new concept for many of us. While we were using it was easy to disregard. All our morals went right out the window. Now that we have received alcohol detox and got sober we are held accountable for our actions and words. Even when there are consequences we must still maintain the willingness to be completely honest in every facet of our life. Whether we are talking to our sponsors, bosses, coworkers, friends, or family being honest is an important part of our sobriety. While being honest with others is important, being honest with ourselves is vital to our survival. The tools we are given when we go to AIA, AA, or an alcohol center keep us on our path and are easy to use. These tools include but are not limited to calling our sponsor to inform them about what has occurred, attending a meeting to find clarity, sharing our experiences, as well as prayer, and meditation. Each tool we use will help keep us both honest and sober. When you do find yourself falling into old habits remember to reach out. Staying honest and humble could mean the difference between staying sober or relapsing. Remind yourself that even the little white lies can lead you down a slippery slope. It may start as something innocent but any lie can open the door to old behavior and before you know it you may find yourself slipping up in other ways. Sobriety only works if we work at it but our secrets keep us sick. These lies can and may very well cost us our sobriety or even our lives if we are not careful. That is why we must live by these spiritual principles.

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