Friday, June 7, 2013

Staying Sober

Staying Sober by Conquering YourselfPrior to going to addiction treatment, AA, or Above It All, getting sober may seem impossible. When we first get sober we are often so desperate that we are willing to do anything but somehow things begin to get better and many of us start to lose the desperation we once had. You may find yourself having thoughts like “did I really have a problem?” or “maybe I don't need this.” This is the disease talking. in these moments it is vital that you use the tools you are given, such as calling your sponsor when you begin to feel overwhelmed or have the desire to throw in the towel, praying or meditating when you began to feel overwhelmed, attending a meeting to find clarity, being of service to another alcoholic in need, and fellowshipping with a group of strong sober friends who can help remind us that we are not alone. Each of these tools is important when it comes to our success in our recovery. After receiving addiction rehabilitation we can stay sober through anything including those moments of doubt. Instead of giving in we are able to accept that we must be comfortable in our uncomfortability. Sobriety may not always be easy but it is possible if we are willing to work at it. We all have a shot at living a happy, healthy, and sober life one day at a time. All we need is the willingness to continue to grow and change.

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