Saturday, June 1, 2013

Contributing to Your Sober Community

So much of our drinking time was spent isolating. Through the help of Above It All Treatment Center you are able to receive the help you need in order to get sober, and eventually go back to being a functioning member of society. Thanks to addiction treatment and sobriety we are given plenty of opportunities to give back and be of service. Such as taking up commitments at your local meetings, starting up meetings for people in the sober community, participating in events, volunteering at a so cal rehab centers, or volunteering at a central office answering phones and spreading the message of recovery. The list goes on and on. It is vital to our recovery that we contribute to our community in whatever way possible. This step will not only keep us grounded but allow us to get out of our heads and often even help us reach out to those who may still need help. Remember, this community is filled with the very people who may have called us a cab when we were drunk, made sure we made it home safe and sound, bailed us out of jail and even took us to our first meeting. Many of us are so used to seeing what we can take from each situation but once we get sober we are able to start thinking about how we can be of service and be useful to others. This new way of living is rewarding beyond your wildest dreams.

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