Even after we go to Above It All Treatment Center, AA, or
alcohol centers we can still be stubborn as
alcoholics. Many of us have a hard time letting go of the need to prove we are
right or that we were treated unfairly. But what we fail to realize in the
meantime is that we are sacrificing our happiness in order to be “right”. Most
of us are hell bent on having people see “our side” of things that we forget
that what we truly want is to just be happy. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in
the details that we miss out on the beauty of life. We have to ask ourselves
what good it does us to have the final say, the last word, or the knowledge
that we have “won” an argument when we are still left discontent. Through
sobriety and receiving rehabilitation we learn that everyone has the right to
be wrong. We can begin to see that everyone is doing the best they can in that
given moment and just because our truths or realities resonate with us does not
mean that they are other people’s truths or realities too. If we continue to
keep our side of the street clean, allow others to be themselves, and cease
from fighting people, places, and things, then we can be free and have a sense
of peace and serenity that we never had before we got sober.
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