Showing Up for Family
For many of us the
idea of showing up for anyone including ourselves may seem impossible prior to
going to Above It All Drug Rehab and getting sober. Now that we are sober the
ability to show up is one of the many gifts we are given. After all we have put
our families through, from the constant worrying, and heartache to the lying,
and perhaps even stealing we are now given the ability to show up after not
being present for so long either emotionally or physically. Whether it is going
shopping for groceries for our parents, watching our nieces and nephews so our
siblings can go out for a night on the town, helping our children with their
homework, or just putting dinner on the table, we are able to do these things because
of the help we are given when we go to alcohol programs,
AA, or alcohol addiction detox. And we can become someone that people can begin
to depend on again. While it may not always be easy to stay present, being able
to give back to our families after taking so long is a huge blessing. We must
remember how often we let our families down in the past and how great it is
that they can look at us now and see responsible reliable people. There are meetings around the clock that you
can attend to be able to share your experience, strength, and hope. We have
been given a gift that we should not take lightly. Showing up for our families
is one of the many examples of how sobriety can save and change lives.
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